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Does This Still Work?

Feb 23, 2022

Worst camping trip ever! Four city folk head off to enjoy nature and wouldn’t you know it  but a bunch of inbreds ruin their good time? Yep, it’s finally happened. The boys check out Deliverance.


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Does This Still Work? - TV Podcast

Feb 16, 2022

This was a tough watch. How could the disco parts be the least offensive thing in this picture? Maybe guest comedian River Clegg will think this still works? 


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Does This Still Work? - TV Podcast

Feb 9, 2022

Joe wants to know, is this a kid’s movie? George thinks it is. It was turned into a tv show for Nickelodeon. Is that a clue? Well, either way, the guys ain't no legend. They ain't no cause. They’re just livin' for today. For those about to rock, they salute you.


Confessions of an Obsolete Child Actor

Feb 2, 2022

It’s 1995 and Hollywood has discovered Computer Hacking. This is where HS kids who look like they are in their 20s take on The Man via the ‘puter. The boys investigate this phenom with the help of guest Kraig Beaudoin.


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Does This Still Work? -...