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Does This Still Work?

Sep 28, 2022

It’s a cartoon! The boys look at this French animated feature that was nominated for two Academy Awards. 

NOTE: Sorry about the late release. I forgot to attach the audio to the post. *facepalm* - George

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Does This Still Work? - TV Podcast

Sep 21, 2022

It’s the red pill, blue pill movie that Joe never saw. Now he knows what people were on about. But did he like it? And what about George? Does this still work for him? Listen now and discover the truth or remain in wonderland. 


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Does This Still Work?...

Sep 14, 2022

This biopic explores the life of American gay rights activist, Harvey Milk and his subsequent assassination. Heavy stuff but you need more than important subject matter to make a good film. Did that happen here?


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Sep 7, 2022

They’re boys, they’re from Brazil and they’re the spitting image of their, uh, dad? No, dad isn’t the right word here. Anyway, Nazi Hunter Laurence Oliver is hot on the trail. The question is, do our boys, George and Joe GAF?


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Does This Still...